Innovation Through Cross-Training and Automation

As environmental consultants our clients look to us as subject matter experts. Our goal is to provide value through accurate interpretation and often implementation of the rules and regulations relating to each project. Some regulations can be fairly vague and allow us the opportunity to provide a multitude of compliance solutions based on project needs like quicker timing, lower cost, or other driving factors. However, some regulations are pretty cut and dry leaving little room for unique options that can provide compliance. To add greater value in a market where our competitors provide some of the same services, HRL creates innovative, cost-saving solutions through cross training and automation.
- Cross-Training: While it is difficult to be a subject matter expert on EVERY environmental regulation out there, we pride ourselves on having team members with several areas of expertise. For example; our Environmental Inspectors are certified and trained to look at several compliance aspects at one time while on location. They can complete a stormwater inspection required by the state, a SPCC inspection required by federal regulations, and a noxious weed inspection required by the County, all at one time. While on location they can also complete compliance inspections for spills, reclamation activities, and air emissions criteria like AVO or LDAR.
- Automation: When the industry was forced to reduce operating costs due to commodity price, HRL responded by looking at ways to be more efficient. Many traditional methods of conducting inspections included field forms that needed to be filled out on location then transferred in a filing system or document for compliance. HRL automated that process using electronic field forms that automatically download into a database eliminating hours of data entry each month and the potential for mistakes. Our system utilizes automated notifications for any deficiencies found and can schedule maintenance tasks with the appropriate personnel for quick repair.
To provide more value than our competitors, it has to be less expensive or a better service. HRL has both. By having well trained, certified environmental experts that utilize an automated database, we create an efficiency that translates into a superior service at a lower price. If you would like to learn more contact us directly at 970.243.3271 or via email at