OPS Remediation Systems for Turn-Key Utilization

Since its inception, HRL Compliance Solutions Inc. (HRL) a strong reputation in the fields of in situ and ex situ remediation design and implementation. HRL can assist by providing support to all aspects of a project; from subsurface investigation, sampling, characterization, delineation, design and implementation. HRL has the resources and experience to handle every aspect of a complex project.
HRL has two (2) track mounted drill rigs, a CME 55 and a Dietrich 090, each with the capabilities to handle any type of OPS project. Since 2006, HRL has completed over 12,000 subsurface borings for soil sampling, groundwater sampling, monitor well installations and remedial activities. We understand the nature of petroleum products and how they migrate once they enter the soil.
Our geologists and environmental scientists are exceptional in their ability to delineate and identify environmental risk associated with sites where releases have occurred. This knowledge and expertise allow HRL staff to properly document and delineate spill plumes and gradients, plan for and design remediation activities as well as perform all sampling and compliance services associated with the investigation.
HRL has an extensive background in sampling soil and liquids utilizing EPA sampling methods and standards. Additionally, HRL has strategic partnerships with multiple NELAP accredited laboratories guaranteeing competitive pricing and fast turnaround times.
Remediation System Installations
HRL maintains the personnel and equipment specifically dedicated to offering a “turn-key” treatment system, from the initial planning, to continued system operation and maintenance. HRL offers consultants the unique ability to hire one contractor to design the system, install vertical and horizontal piping, install the dedicated field equipment and conduct the system startup process. Our team offers the experience that incorporates both the science behind technology, as well as the construction experience necessary to handle any installation.
- AS/SVE system install
- Product recovery systems
- Injections
- Hydraulic fracturing
- Excavation and disposal
- And more
For more information on how we can partner with you for all or a portion of your OPS needs give us a call at (970)243-3271 or reach out via email at info@hrlcomp.com