Emergency Spill Response Line :970.243.3271


The projects listed below are representative of the caliber of work conducted by the professional team that comprises HRL. Our decades of experience in solving complex environmental problems serves as a foundation on which to build lasting client relationships. We strive to develop the most cost-effective solutions for our clients, and our entrepreneurial approaches to regulatory compliance issues often allow our projects to be completed under budget and always within the requested timeframe.

Our project highlights are listed below. If you would like additional information on project methodologies, results, or would like to receive a cost estimate for your own projects, please contact us.

Drilling Services

Winter Geotechnical Drilling Crested Butte

Underground Site Investigations

HRL was contracted to perform an underground site investigation at an existing oil and gas storage facility in Colorado. This investigation confirmed our client had not impacted the soil and surrounding environment prior to upgrading the facility building to accommodate the increased need for natural gas resources by residents in the area.  

Western Colorado Geotechnical Drilling

HRL Drilling services conducted geotechnical drilling for a proposed water storage facility in Western Colorado. The purpose of the investigation was to determine soil conditions for the engineering design of the facility.

Initial Site Assessment & Monitor Well Installation

HRL was contracted to perform an initial site assessment and monitor well installation at an abandoned gas station near Hotchkiss Colorado. The investigation confirmed that there were some minor impacts to soil and groundwater. The site will now be managed under the Colorado Department of Labors and Employment’s Oil and Public Safety (OPS) program. Further […]

Environmental Services


Pipeline Construction Oversight

Providing 20” natural gas pipeline construction oversight and monitoring in the Piceance Basin, Colorado.

Compressor Station Reclamation Monitoring

Monitoring natural gas compressor station reclamation results on the Roan Plateau near Parachute, Colorado.

95 Mile ROW Stormwater BMP Project

HRL provided Environmental oversight on a 95 mile pipeline project in Colorado and Utah. The construction portion of the project took approximately six months. Monitoring for this project will continue until final stabilization has been met for all agencies.

Air Emissions and Compliance


Using our FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) Camera we were able to detect a leak from a valve which was tucked into the back of a production separator shack. Given its location, detecting a leak can be a little tricky; however, by adjusting the thermal span of the infrared camera, you can see the emissions leaking […]

Coal Mine Methane Emissions

As seen through an infrared lens, closed coal mines are still regularly venting significant amounts of methane, which can negatively impact the atmosphere.  The client hopes to capture these emissions and transform them into a useful resource that helps convert local reservoir sediment into useful ceramic products.  The goal is to reduce the environmental impacts […]

Permitting Compliance

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. offers a wide variety of Air compliance assistance including preparing and submitting all of the necessary paperwork to government entities to properly permit and report facilities with reportable air emissions.

Facility Compliance Audits

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. provided a complete compliance audit, for more than fifty (50) sites, to determine the applicability of the recently promulgated Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulations. The audits involved an in-depth records review, facility site visit, and comparison against the Regulations to ensure that any changes which need to occur are properly […]

Emission Monitoring

Providing emissions monitoring with a FLIR GF300 series Methane Detection System.

Air Compliance Tracking Workbook

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. is currently providing full spectrum air compliance tracking utilizing Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheets track emissions and determine what reporting needs to be submitted (APEN, Permit, Etc.). The spreadsheet also verifies if the facility is in compliance with permitted limits and alerts the user if emissions are greater than 90% of the […]

Infrared Camera Inspections

With the recently passed regulations requiring LDAR inspections of all compressor stations and production facilities, HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. has been managing LDAR programs for a number of clients. We conduct inspections, manage data, prepare inspection reports, and provide our clients with everything that they need to demonstrate full compliance with these new rules. The […]

Emergency Spill Response

Receiver Vault Spill Response

A pig receiver vault overfilled during a large precipitation event. Prior to the event, the vault had not been pumped out after pigging operations were completed. Therefore, oil was present in the vault. When the vault overfilled, the oil flowed out of the vault onto the land surface and into a stormwater catchment basin. The […]

Glycol Spill Response

A separator unit on a well pad was losing glycol for no apparent reason. It was discovered that a heat trace line which utilizes heated glycol from the separator to prevent the produced water dump line from freezing developed a hole due to corrosion of the metal. This allowed glycol form the compromised line to […]

Drilling Rig Rollover Response

HRL responded to a drilling rig rollover. The truck driver transporting the rig cut the corner too short causing it to roll into a beaver pond and spill hydraulic oil. The pond was bermed off and the free oil was removed by skimming and a vac truck. The challenge was to get the oil removed […]

Filter Cake Trailer Rollover Response

A contractor was hauling filter cake form an oil and gas location to a permitted disposal facility. A mechanical failure on the pup trailer caused it to separate from the tandem dump truck hauling the material. It rolled and spilled filter cake on an embankment next to a major highway.  The impacted soils were remediated […]

Corroded Gas Line Response

A supposedly abandoned gas line developed a small hole due to corrosion of the metal. It was determined that the line was never isolated from the new line and was under pressure. When the corroded point finally failed, produced water and condensate that had accumulated in the line migrated to the surface under pressure. Due […]

Residential Spill Response

Contractor replacing the curb and gutter along a residential street clipped a natural gas supply line leading to a residence. Due to the age of the line some oil had accumulated in the line. When the line was severed, oil blew out of the line onto the residential property. The contractor was working on an […]

Waste Management

Orphan 55 Gallon Drum

Getting to use the new spill trailer to respond to an orphan 55-gallon drum with unknown liquid contents that was discovered by Colorado State Patrol along Highway 50.  We were hired to properly remove, characterize, and profile for disposal. Luckily the drum wasn’t cracked or broken, so nothing was released.

Disposal Facility Audits

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. has completed landfill/disposal facility audits in Colorado, Utah, North Dakota, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Audits provide regulatory assurance to the generator that the facility is in fact properly permitted within their state to accept the types of waste the facility is claiming. Ensuring facility compliance levitates penalties and fines from improper […]

Waste Accumulation/Temporary Storage Area Waste Management

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. can properly manage all stored and accumulated wastes to ensure proper containers applicable to each waste is used, as well as proper documentation and labeling is provided on each container in accordance with RCRA regulation. Varying wastes generated may be subjected to volumes and time frames stored within a Treatment, Storage, […]

Gas Plant – Waste Management and Minimization

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. can provide any waste management services of liquids and solids, rather they are exempt or considered hazardous under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Wastes management services inventory and tracking, waste profiling and sampling, disposal or recycling, and record keeping in accordance with local county and federal regulations. HRL will evaluate […]

Field Wide Waste Management Services

In addition to waste generated at a facility and within accumulation yards, HRL provides services to waste generated within the field. Wastes HRL has managed includes disposal/beneficial reuse of drill cuttings (surface and production hole), waste profiling and disposal of non-exempt wastes, wastes generated during spills & releases, pit closures, and on-site or off-site management […]

Marcellus Shale Waste Disposal

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. uses trained environmental scientists to sample, profile and submit the Pennsylvania Form U for disposal of residual waste code 810: drill cuttings. We coordinate with the drillers in the field to reduce costs and time. Accurate and consistent waste profiling is just one of the steps involved in an effective waste […]


Applying Bioremediation

    Casey Richardson and Shane Armendariz applying some bioremediation product to the landfarm!

Historical Produced Water Release Chemical Oxidation Remediation Project – Colorado

In-situ Chemical Oxidation Remediation Project HRL personnel were hired to oversee a chemical oxidation application to remediate approximately 110 bbls of oil that was released below a leaking secondary containment. The release resulted in the impact of 4,450 cubic yards of soil. HRL observed hydrocarbon impacts in six of twelve boreholes drilled at the site. […]

Compressor Station Oil Release Bioremediation Project – Colorado

In-Situ Bioremediation Project During the removal of a compressor engine at a Gas Compressor facility, personnel observed oil impacted soil beneath the location of the compressor engine. Approximately one hundred eighty (180) gallons of oil had been released inside a compressor station facility. Initial TPH concentration in the soil was 43,000 ppm. Remediation activities were […]

Produced Water Release Chemical Oxidation Remediation Project – Colorado

HRL was contacted after approximately three (3) barrels of produced water was released on a remote tank battery site when a dump line connected to a two phase separator froze. A site characterization was completed by an environmental consulting firm. TPH levels in the soil were in excess of 1,000 ppm to a total depth […]

Produced Water Release Bioremediation Project Colorado

In-situ & Ex-situ Bioremediation Project HRL conducted an initial investigation of a produced water tank release at a well pad located in Garfield County, Colorado. A rock from the hillside above and adjacent to the well pad scaled from the hillside and broke through the steel secondary containment. The rock then ricocheted off the condensate […]

Drill Cuttings Project 2 Bioremediation Project Colorado

Ex-situ Bioremediation Project HRL worked on a remediation project for an oil and gas production company in Garfield County, Colorado. Approximately 2,700 cubic yards of drill cuttings are being landfarm bioremediated on a well pad site. The drill cuttings were produced as a result of drilling seven wells on the pad site location. Sawdust and […]

Regulatory Permitting

Raptor Surveys

HRL biologists provided raptor surveys to verify nest occupancy near an active drill site. This nest was required to be unoccupied before activity could commence and our biologists verified that using a drone to see inside the nest.

Wetland Delineations

HRL’s team of wetland scientists conducted wetland delineations and coordinated with the USACE to permit and mitigate potential impacts to jurisdictional waters for a pipeline project in western Colorado.

Pitkin County 404 Investigation

HRL recently provided a full Section 404 site investigation and wetland delineation for a 5 mile pipeline installation in the Roaring Fork Valley of Pitkin County, Colorado. Special challenges included securing access to the pipeline alignment, analysis of highly seasonal water features, and interpretation of naturally problematic soil conditions. All Section 404 investigations performed by […]

Field Services

Migratory Bird Netting

Protective Netting at City Ballpark

In its efforts to protect neighbors, the public, and ongoing traffic in the area, the City of Grand Junction Parks and Recreation department elected to replace the protective netting in the outfield of the Columbine Park ballfields located near the corner of Orchard Avenue and 28 ¼ Road. HRL’s Field Services Division partnered with the […]

Protective Netting Project

Our field service team working on a protective netting project for the ball fields. HRL’s design has been recognized as a best management practice (BMP) for municipalities, oil and gas, mining industries and is the most widely accepted prevention and protection choice for industrial applications.

Wind Fence

In order to be good neighbors one of the major struggles for Mesa County Landfill Management today is the containment and retention of litter. Local winds cause major problems to the local neighbors when trash is spread to adjacent properties. Recently HRL’s Field Services Division worked together with Mesa County representatives to remove and replace […]

Rio Blanco, Colorado Project

Rio Blanco County, Colorado The net covers 524,100 ft2, or roughly 12 acres. The net required 3,400 feet of 10” steel pipe. There is approximately 39.8 miles of wire to support the net. 200 cubic yards of concrete was required to support the posts. The net weighs approximately 6500 lbs. Installed safety cables to serve […]

MBTA Netting Project – Pennsylvania B

MBTA Netting Project- Pennsylvania HRL designed and provided the installation of this Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) exclusion netting for this production pit in Pennsylvania.  

Western Colorado Netting Project

Western Colorado Netting Project 2 Project showed: Our ability to work through pre-laid liner and add boots to seal our supports Our ability to work around pre-existing well heads That this net can withstand 7in. of snowfall This site included a chain link fence surrounding the netted pit per client request.  

Colorado Project B

The net covers approximately 35,000 ft2 Project showed: Our ability to work through wet weather conditions Our ability to incorporate wildlife fencing with the netting design. Installed safety cables to serve as an anchor point for confined space requirements.

Colorado Project

The net covers approximately 66,000 ft2 Project showed: Our ability to work through pre-laid liner and add boots to seal our supports Our ability to work around pre-existing pump lines This site included a chain link fence surrounding the netted pit per client request.  

Pennsylvania Netting Project

Pennsylvania Netting Project Net covers approximately 85,000 square feet This project showed that we were: Able to net around non-rectangular pits, as this net was built around an oval shaped pit Able to overcome large rock obstacles and drill in a variety of soil types  

MBTA Netting Project – Pennsylvania A

MBTA Netting Project- Pennsylvania HRL designed and provided the installation of this Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) exclusion netting for a client’s production pit in Pennsylvania. Project showed that we were able to jog the net around pre-existing manifolds  

MBTA Netting Project – Colorado B

MBTA Netting Project- Colorado HRL designed and provided the installation of this Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) exclusion netting for a client’s frac-pit in Colorado.  

MBTA Netting Project – Colorado A

MBTA Netting Project- Colorado 1 HRL designed and provided the installation of this Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) exclusion netting for a client’s frac-pit in Colorado.

MBTA Netting Project – Wyoming

MBTA Netting Project- Wyoming HRL designed and installed this Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) exclusion netting system for a client’s drilling pit in Wyoming. Site showcases our ability to place nets around a variety of pre-existing features including the cuttings shoots from the rig Added high-tensile fence as opposed to chain link per request  

Colorado Project – Frac Pit

Colorado Project – Frac Pit Installed a customized chain link fence around the pre-existing down joints and pipes. Built an access gate into the chain line fence.    

Colorado Netting Project

Colorado Netting Project Net covers approximately 180,000 square feet. Netted two adjacent sites simultaneously allowing the project to be extremely cost efficient Sites located approximately 9000 ft. above sea level  

Pennsylvania Netting Project B

Pennsylvania Netting Project #2 Net covers approximately 66,000 square feet Installed light beacons and access gates at each of the 4 corners of the net for improved safety and access. This site included a chain link fence surrounding the netted pit that was customized to fit around pre-existing manifolds per client request. Installed safety cables […]

Pennsylvania Netting Project C

Built in a 15 ft. sliding chain link gate for: Easy truck entrance and exit Easy maintenance and monitoring access Our first net around a pit with a “skateboard” end, showing that we can place nets on varying sloped terrain. Chain link and safety cable installed.

Western Colorado Netting Project

Western Colorado Netting Project Great Access = Cost Efficient Completion -Shane Armendairz, HRL Netting Crew Foreman This netting project was able to be completed quickly, due to its close proximity to road access. This site included a chain link fence surrounding the netted pit per client request.